Antonutti Wines with Raffaele this Saturday

This Saturday, we will taste Antonutti Wines from
Fruili Venezia Giulia with Raffaele Scettro of
Tuscany Wine Distributors

Please remember that
small businesses depend on your patronage
If each of us spent $100 a year
more on local businesses instead of chain stores, it would put an extra $3 MILLION a year into our local economy and would create thousands more jobs every year!!!!

Raffaele Scettro Tuscany Wines will facilitate this tasting

Saturday - we will taste:

Ribolla Gialla Antonutti - 19.99

Traminer aromatico antonutti - 19.99

Pinot Noir Antonutti - 21.99

Collevento Merlot - $16.99

Cabernet Sauvignon Antonutti 21.99


Grazie - Matteo  

Date: Saturday, August 1st
Price: $8.00 per person
Time: 5:00 PM to 9:00PM 

Karaoke after 8:30

Please don't forget that we do
Gift Certificates in any denomination.