Valentines Day with Rafaelle Scettro
Please join us as we celebrate Valentines Day
with Rafaelle Scettro
from Tuscany Distributors
We still have a limited supply of
Bleeding Buckeye Red Ale
Please remember that
small businesses depend
on your patronage
during the slow months of winter.
Please shop small businesses!!!
The Little Italy Calendars
are still available at
$5.00 ea while supplies last
thats $10.00 off
Our website is up
Please join us this Saturday as we celebrate Valentines Day with Rafaelle Scettro from Tuscany Distributors
Saturday - we will taste:
Prosecco Costaross DOC
Veneto $18.99
Sangue di Giuda
Ca Montebella $18.99
Chianti Classico Riserva
Opera $28.99
Girasole Pinot Noir
Mendocino $21.99
Collevento Merlot
Veneto $18.99
Grazie - Matteo
Date: Saturday, February 14th
Valentines Day
Price: $7.00 per person
$10.00 per Couple
Time: 5:00 PM to 9:00PM